5 components of Emotional Intelligence and how it improves personal brand


Would you like to have the most amazing marketing skills that pulls everyone in and keeps them engaged? Can you imagine the advantage this would give your business? What about your brand?

Emotional Intelligence – (EI) or Emotional Quotient (EQ) is the ability of individuals to recognize their own and other people’s emotions, to discriminate between different feelings and label them appropriately, and to use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior. (Source Wikipedia)

There are 5 key components of emotional intelligence.

Self-awareness – ability to recognize and understand your own emotions, and the affect of it and your actions and moods on other people.

Self-regulation – expressing your emotions appropriately.

Social Skills – being able to interact well with others.

Empathy – ability to understand how others are feeling, and have the correct response.

Motivation – people who are emotionally intelligent are motivated by things beyond external rewards. Fame, money, prestige, power are of little consequence. They are driven by a passion to fulfill their own goals.

90’s style of doing business is out

That self-serving, self-centered, me first persona of the 90’s has all but disappeared. It is no longer advisable that one should move their agenda forward by any means necessary, without a care as to how their actions affect people or the environment. Millennials today are demanding more personal attention, therefore increasing the rise of more EI business transactions.

EI is the key to being likable and it is also a huge factor in one’s success both personally and professionally. Sincerity, transparency, and the capacity for understanding others, these are some characteristics of an EI person. Those with these skills out perform those who don’t by a large margin.

How can you be more emotionally intelligent?

Be genuine – This is easier said than done. Many cannot achieve this simply because they are not confident in themselves or their own skin. Confidence in who you are and what you have to offer is a key factor in being a genuine person.

Be focused – Focusing on what your happiness needs are keeps you present and able to give your best and full attention, therefore creating a warm rapport with your client/customer.

Be open-minded – This is a huge tenet. If you already have preconceived notions about things, you leave very little room for hearing and understanding what your client/customer needs or desires of you. You create a barrier before you even have a chance to find solutions.

Hold no judgement – It goes without saying that we should not believe we have the liberty or the authority to judge anyone. While we may choose what we decide to partake of, judging others on what they want, need or do is outside the bounds of being emotionally available to the client/customer.

Be appreciative – Nothing is owed to us. When a client chooses us to do business with, it is something that we must be thankful and appreciative of. They have a choice, they chose you!

Humility – Once a dying emotion now making a return. This goes hand in hand with appreciation. We should not take anything for granted. The competition is deep and thick out there. Believing we are guaranteed any business because we have the best thing ever, is a sure way to loose all business. We have to continuously earn our business and understand that a customer giving us that opportunity is a huge blessing.

Want to know how EI you are? Take this EI test and be on your way to your best personal branding ever!


Caroll Atkins, CEO / Brand Stylist
Caroll Atkins Creatives
Twitter: @CarollAtkins

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