5 defining concerns when building a life brand

Life Branding

2016 the year of individual awareness! Do you agree? I venture to say you probably do. Whether in your personal or business life, if you have not read a “tweet” or have not seen a “status” urging you to live life daringly and authentically then it may be that you are totally “unplugged”.

To go along with this new emerging culture and thought process, are various products, ideology and language terms. Some new some old, but reenergized. Branding and passion are two words that keep coming up in both business and personal circles. Not new words to be sure, but their current usage definitely represents a new way of thinking and living.

Today’s millennial epitomize that thinking. They desire to have, be and do it all. However, above all that they insist on being looked at as individual and unique.

So what of branding? How does that apply to ones life? Well, we know what brands are, however the term branding is fairly new. Branding is a marketing practice that uses names, symbols, colors and specific lingo to create a unique view of a product or service in a consumers mind, therefore attracting and retaining loyal customers. This definition makes it clearer how living a life based on passion helps one promote their own individuality and therefore creating their own personal brand of happiness. Consequently, what one offers is unique, who one is, is unique, and how one thinks is unique. What you choose to do for your life and livelihood based on this mind set is what gives you your own unique life brand and you get to this place via passion!

Why is this important?

 Who needs a life brand?

 Do you have regrets?

Have you stopped dreaming?

In other words, have you learned to bury dreams because you cease to believe that they could come true or worst yet, they don’t matter?

Have you put limits on your happiness?

If any of those questions ring true for you, and the status quo is no longer your desired status consider this. Below are millennial’s top five concerns and how you may adapt them to create your life brand.

  1. Job longevity. Today, we want career satisfaction. Our work must matter to others and to us. We want to make a difference.
  2. Secure retirement. Second phase of life. At 65, no rocking chair on the porch for us. We desire to be active, pursing a hobby or a career we wished we had.
  3. Marry and settle down. Relationship freedom. A relationship does not define nor control our future. We define it.
  4. Bank savings. Invest your money. Bank savings produce minimal yields. Today we are more aggressive with our money. We want brighter futures and increased financial stability.
  5. Purpose and cause defines today’s millennial. Who they support politically to whom they purchase services and products from must have just and fair practices.

A life brand built on passion takes you into consideration. It is doing things in the manner you desire. This way life is more meaningful and purposeful and no longer something to be endured but celebrated. Got an idea or passion and are ready to pursue it? Contact me today!!!

Caroll Atkins
CEO / Brand Stylist  | @CarollAtkins

5 components of Emotional Intelligence and how it improves personal brand


Would you like to have the most amazing marketing skills that pulls everyone in and keeps them engaged? Can you imagine the advantage this would give your business? What about your brand?

Emotional Intelligence – (EI) or Emotional Quotient (EQ) is the ability of individuals to recognize their own and other people’s emotions, to discriminate between different feelings and label them appropriately, and to use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior. (Source Wikipedia)

There are 5 key components of emotional intelligence.

Self-awareness – ability to recognize and understand your own emotions, and the affect of it and your actions and moods on other people.

Self-regulation – expressing your emotions appropriately.

Social Skills – being able to interact well with others.

Empathy – ability to understand how others are feeling, and have the correct response.

Motivation – people who are emotionally intelligent are motivated by things beyond external rewards. Fame, money, prestige, power are of little consequence. They are driven by a passion to fulfill their own goals.

90’s style of doing business is out

That self-serving, self-centered, me first persona of the 90’s has all but disappeared. It is no longer advisable that one should move their agenda forward by any means necessary, without a care as to how their actions affect people or the environment. Millennials today are demanding more personal attention, therefore increasing the rise of more EI business transactions.

EI is the key to being likable and it is also a huge factor in one’s success both personally and professionally. Sincerity, transparency, and the capacity for understanding others, these are some characteristics of an EI person. Those with these skills out perform those who don’t by a large margin.

How can you be more emotionally intelligent?

Be genuine – This is easier said than done. Many cannot achieve this simply because they are not confident in themselves or their own skin. Confidence in who you are and what you have to offer is a key factor in being a genuine person.

Be focused – Focusing on what your happiness needs are keeps you present and able to give your best and full attention, therefore creating a warm rapport with your client/customer.

Be open-minded – This is a huge tenet. If you already have preconceived notions about things, you leave very little room for hearing and understanding what your client/customer needs or desires of you. You create a barrier before you even have a chance to find solutions.

Hold no judgement – It goes without saying that we should not believe we have the liberty or the authority to judge anyone. While we may choose what we decide to partake of, judging others on what they want, need or do is outside the bounds of being emotionally available to the client/customer.

Be appreciative – Nothing is owed to us. When a client chooses us to do business with, it is something that we must be thankful and appreciative of. They have a choice, they chose you!

Humility – Once a dying emotion now making a return. This goes hand in hand with appreciation. We should not take anything for granted. The competition is deep and thick out there. Believing we are guaranteed any business because we have the best thing ever, is a sure way to loose all business. We have to continuously earn our business and understand that a customer giving us that opportunity is a huge blessing.

Want to know how EI you are? Take this EI test and be on your way to your best personal branding ever!


Caroll Atkins, CEO / Brand Stylist
Caroll Atkins Creatives
Twitter: @CarollAtkins

2016’s mantra, I am you and you are me…the humanitarian side of branding


To some my title sentence makes no sense. For others the beauty and intricacies of relationships are not something to ponder and appreciate, but to take simply at face value. Even still, there are those who literally see and live life this way. But for me, I am all you have and you are all I have, because if I am not valuing you, accepting you and appreciating you then what do I have? Nothing. I am not prosperous, because without you how can I share my wealth of life’s lessons learned. I am not growing, because without you how will I challenge myself, better myself and live up to my potential. I am not loved, because without you who will I give love to, so I too can feel it’s incredible warmth in return?

So, what I do for you, I do for me and what I don’t do for you, I don’t do for me. The sooner we accept that we are all connected through our shared humanity, the sooner we can get to the business of showing each other the unconditional love that Jesus spoke about and Muhammad and every pivotal person intent on connecting us through love in the history of the world.

The Humanitarian Side of Branding

In 2016 our mindset has to be elevated exponentially. While some of us have accepted and are now committed to helping others, we must no longer look at it as helping them, but accept that our positive actions are done for the good of us all. This is my approach to helping a client with their brand styling and brand identity. I believe helping a client deliver the most honest, truthful offerings and views of their brand will in turn bring them clients that will trust them. Their value will be easily perceived and readily accepted. With so many choices available today, it can be a maze to sift through. So why not be that beacon that calls one forward only to offer them an unexpected experience that surpasses the rest? This is what I offer my clients, this is how I make a difference.

What have we come to? Where do we go from how business was done in the me first 90’s? We have come right back to where we once started as entrepreneurs in the 20’s. We are now called to be compassionate, ethical and sympathetic. The Millennials demand this! If we look at all the world’s ills, how many can be helped if we just exercise a little compassion in our business practices? I feel certain at the very least, our businesses will get the attention it deserves, something we are all vying very hard for. When you realize I am you and you are me, then you accept without hesitation, that compassion for others is needed in life just as you want it for yourself. Compassion for every thing that is living, not just humans is key to our world surviving and continuing without humanity perishing and certainly to building flourishing businesses.

The whole is always greater than the sum of the parts.

In business branding let compassion be coupled with wisdom, so that when we set out to help with the myriad of causes out there, we are able not to get caught up in help that puts us in a reactive mode. Let us take time and think things through so we can be in active mode. The whole is always greater than the sum of the parts it is said, and I wholeheartedly to agree.

Caroll Atkins
Caroll Atkins Creatives

Why Millennials are critical to your brand


Smart brands know that the holy grail for brand promotion comes directly from the consumer. They are connected to the consumer market and dialogue directly with them instead of at them.

It is 2016 and you may be gearing up for the best year of business thus far. This is a great time to start or refocus on your branding efforts. What is definitely NOT advisable is to believe that you can be impactful by connecting separately from your consumer. If you have not heard, engagement is the word!

Smart brands know that the holy grail for brand promotion comes directly from the consumer. They are connected to the consumer market and dialogue directly with them instead of at them. They know that organic conversations are preferred and user generated content (UGC) is king!

All you have to do is look at most of TV and online ads, and you will see that the theme attempts to make an emotional connection with the consumer. They do this through various mediums. Some even use personal home made videos or YouTube content. Why do they do this? One word, Millennials!

Why are Millennials coveted for brands?

If as a brand you are not connecting and learning about this group, you are missing a huge opportunity not to mention section of the consumer market. A person born 1982 thru 1999 is considered a millennial, start date varies. It is estimated that there are 80 million of them. Why are millennials so coveted? They typically have increasing buying power as they get older and they are usually early adopters ready to try new products while being huge influencers on the purchases of others. However, their thought process is different from the Generation Xers. Social causes are important to them. Brands with positive outcome for the consumer is key. They have higher tolerances and are more broad-minded. They see higher education as a necessary and expensive consumer good. They are politically oriented and community engaged. They are masters of self-expression and are determined to set their own path. (Millennial Generation Research Review) Above all, consumer markets research shows that this group relates best to the people they perceive to be like them. With such big numbers, increased spending power, influence over purchases and a desire and determination to express their selves as they see fit, you can see why they would be sought after. Also, if you acquire their attention and trust at an early age, it’s possible to have their loyalty for many years to come, and this is critical because their peak buying power is still decades away.

How do brands reach Millennials?

With an annual purchasing power of an estimated 200 billion, knowing how to reach millennials can be critical to your brand.

  1. The majority of millennials use social media to connect with brands. They spend 1.8 hours a day on social media.
  2. A brand that shows it cares is attractive to this generation. Be involved in philanthropic causes. Be concerned about how your product/service affects consumers.
  3. Have highly engaging content online. Millennials are willing to share information about their brand preference with their peers online.

Finally, you must have good branding and story telling. Knowing what this generation enjoys in terms of graphics, language and tone is crucial. Offering perks and being positive is very important. Never be fake. Always be authentic. For both males and females, happiness is their ultimate goal, so never “sell” them. They are very optimistic a trait that can be very beneficial to brands who provide products that they hope will change the world!

Caroll Atkins