Develop Your Personality Brand And Watch Your Business Soar

Your creativeness is something that is manifested, harvested and crafted into ways and means that help others as much as it pleases you. This is your personality brand. ~Caroll Atkins

So many times I hear friends say they believe that they are not creative. When I say nonsense, they then challenge me to show them their creative ability. At that request I chuckle. How can I possible find their creative ability when I do not know what is their ultimate reality and where do they draw their spiritual power. Oh I know virtually everyone will say that they draw their power from Jesus or God or both, but what does that even mean to them? For most I think it is just something they believe they ought to say.

Your Personality Brand

I found my creative ability (my personality brand), when I stopped trying to lead and became led. Not led by a “divine power” but led by awesome displays of all kinds of beauty, majestic power of nature, kindness and generosity. You see I am a firm believer that these examples are what frees creativity, because to marvel at this is to know there is something greater and the beauty and pleasure it brings will certainly make you feel it. As you are no doubt starting to realize, your creativeness does not have to be something specific like drawing, singing, dancing, etc. Your creativeness is something that is manifested, harvested and crafted into ways and means that help others as much as it pleases you. This is your personality brand.

Develop Your Personality Brand Creative Power

So what are you conscious of? What is your reality? Is it material and monetary? If so, I can guarantee you that if you don’t have a readily visible, universally acknowledged talent that you can parlay to the world and be in the right place and the right time for someone to recognize it and pay you for it, you are screwed! Personal creativity is derived from a deeper level. The more you study creation, the more you will grow and evolve and birth your own individual creative personality and it’s brand power. You already have all you need to be creative. Once you learn how to believe in yourself, and know that YOU are your own source of power, you will become aware of what your special creative gift(s) is/are.

I found my creative talents, and yes I do mean talents, and I am continuing to find more and more of them, when I learn to enjoy the power of silence. It spoke to me, it told me to trust my feelings and instincts. I was then able to let go of the need to be in charge and embrace the idea of looking at things with a childlike amazement in order to see its honesty. Nature became something of an infinite well of wisdom. How things came to be? Why things came to be? How do they work together? Why should they work together? You get the point, I looked at it on a deeper more constructive level and in doing so it showed me ways and means that can readily be applied to life and my business and craft. The most important thing I learned, is to not be steadfastly rigid to ANY one point of view. Now don’t get me wrong, I welcome all views, I just do not subscribe to all of them. In business, I have learned to trust my consciousness as my ultimate guide, celebrate others creativity and be open to possibilities, big or small. However the ultimate principle I practice in my life is that of looking for and maintaing balance. No matter what is going on good or bad, I look for the balance. “Too much of one thing is good for nothing” so I have heard and I am inclined to agree!

Caroll Atkins
Brand Stylist / Creative Director
Insta: @CarollAtkinsCreatives

You are a visionary and the world needs your creativity

Vision to true visionary
Visionary. Once upon a time, many of us thought this word was limited to huge figures in history who discovered things like electricity, the wheel, etc. However, nowadays, we see this role in a much larger capacity. Vision like creativity, can be had by many as long as they are willing to step forward, communicate and recruit good people to help make it reality. Vision can be simple or it can be common sense that just somehow lost its sense and has become no longer common. Vision has become more and more important in this day and age simply because times are getting darker and more murkier. We are losing our way, our view has become narrower and we cannot see the forest from the trees. Because of this, vision is needed now more than ever. We realize that the same old way we have been used to doing things, are no longer working or just plain outdated for today’s life and circumstances.

When you are a visionary people come forward to serve you, not to spite you.

As we already know, vision exists in every aspect of life. So, when one steps up with their vision it can be in any capacity. As a visionary, many will be attracted to you and your vision. The world still wants and appreciates leaders. If you are such a person, realize that your vision comes with responsibilities and certain acknowledgements. Firstly know this, when you bring a vision to light, those who should choose to follow you and take up your cause by offering their help do so for the simple fact that they want to serve you because they believe in what you believe in. What greater honor is there? Sometimes when we try to bring a vision to reality, it can be very stressful and we may at times find that we can become less than kind to those who are dedicated to help us. Sometimes we can be downright nasty. Nurturing our vision can at times unleash our egos and our distrust especially when those we have helping us reveal information that has us questioning if our vision’s direction is the best one. At such times, it is easy for us to feel that those helping us are trying to spite us. Please be clear on this, those who show up to help you are not there to spite you. One does not sign up to help, cheer you on, congratulate you and most of all they would never recommend you or promote you to others if they did not believe in you and respect what you are about.

Do not let your bright vision, one that may be capable of doing much good and enlightening many, be extinguished by distrust, ego and being self-absorbed. Realize that many are waiting for new and better every day, but may sometimes lack the direction, focus or strength to carry it through. And others may not even know they needed what you have to offer. Be gracious, and grateful, be inclusive, but most of all realize that sometimes your vision may need adjustment, a tweak here and there. I mean we don’t curse our eyes and throw them out when they need adjusting, no we simply get a pair of glasses.

Peace & Light
Caroll Atkins
Caroll Atkins Creatives